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30-something and ready for some excitement, life is far too short to live up to everyone else's expectations.

The tales of a 30-something chickadee trying to find the spice in life without upsetting the natural order of her suroundings. Life can be tasty if you know how to eat it up.



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  Wednesday, August 9, 2006

The delicate art of being a woman.

You Are 20% Girly

Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.
And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.

Yea, so this is the story of my life. I have been called a tom boy most of my life. I am not sure why I am considered to be so boyish because I do wear pink sometimes, I can soak in a bubble bath for hours on end, Victoria's Secret gift cards get me all giddy, and I cry during romantic or sad movies even if I have seen them 500 times and already know how it will end.

Of course the man in my life has never complained at my masculine tendencies. I mean not only does he get a sexy woman to put on slinky lingerie before sliding into bed with him, but he also gets a buddy to hang out at bars drinking beer checking out hot chicks while taking bets on who
You Are Boyish Sexy

You're the kind of girl who gets along with all the boys
Whether it's holding your own in a game of touch football...
Or kicking some major butt while playing Xbox.
You hang with the guys easily, while still keeping your girly sexiness.
could bed the passing babes first.

I guess every girl wants to be thought of as a girl from time to time, so this is why I have such a problem actually being called a tom boy. Some days I want people to just picture me in a pink flowing skirt, running careful through a field of daisies singing, while blue birds and butterflies flutter around my halo of golden locks. Ridiculous, huh? In reality you will more likely sweeping my messy mop of hair out of my face, using a pencil or old rubber band to hold it back, while walking barefoot through the muddy flowerbeds. There are very few bluebirds and butterflies in my life, and the only singing I do is either in my car when I am alone, or in the shower when I don't care who hears me. We can't all be a Disney Princess, I suppose.

Growing up a tom boy was actually more fun I think, because I wasn't worrying about what to wear, or what color my fingernails were. Plus I made a lot of the girly girls pretty jealous because I just happened to be best friends with all the hottest guys on the football team, the only problem is that they didn't see me as potential girlfriend material, just another one of the guys to enter belching contests. There were a few stray moments here and there, when an after-football party would lead to a drunken make out session with one of my various pals, but the next day it was understood that it was not worth losing a friendship over, and he'd move on to a girl that actually used hair spray and curling irons.

Oh well, I guess there are worse things to be than a tom boy. I could be one of those overly emotional girly-girls(like the ones I have...dare I say-had relationships with?) that bursts into tears over a broken nail, and spends 20 minutes placing orders at a restaurant to make sure the 'FAT FREE dressing is served on the side, and that the chicken is not breaded, and can you substitute the potatoes with some steamed fresh veggies?'.

I've been a tom boy for 30-something years. Maybe I should try to find a balance between womanhood and boyishness...like giving myself a pedicure while I sit on the lakeshore with a fishing rod in my lap.

Daily Confession: I did a lot more of those silly quizzes than I really care to ever admit.

Said TastyMama at 1:03 PM

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