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Location: SomeTown. SomeState, United States

30-something and ready for some excitement, life is far too short to live up to everyone else's expectations.

The tales of a 30-something chickadee trying to find the spice in life without upsetting the natural order of her suroundings. Life can be tasty if you know how to eat it up.



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Off for fun.
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The delicate art of being a woman.
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Old News:
08/2006 02/2008 03/2008

  Sunday, August 13, 2006

Home again, home again.

So we had a brilliant weekend of relaxation and fun and now I am nursing a mild sunburn, a slight hangover, and some fabulous memories.

I still have a lot of unpacking and cleaning up to do, but I am feeling pretty damned good. Being out in the middle of nowhere, laughing our asses off put the man in my life in a fairly amorous mood, so much so I am still not certain of the stability of my legs even now. I am not sure if its the tingling sunburn or not, but I am pretty sure that I am positively glowing, despite the sand that may or may not have been permanently implanted into my unthinkable regions. I may not be happy about saying goodbye to the summer, but I am thrilled with the going away party we just threw my favorite of all seasons.

My family is now breathing down my neck wanting details of the little get away, and my answering machine is blinking with unrelenting fury so I should go now, but I had to say somewhere that it is highly likely that at this moment I am probably the most sexually gratified woman on the planet and I was not sure it would be the best statement to make on the phone to my mother. ;)

On with the week, and back to the everyday. Ahh, but it was good.

Daily Confession: Sexually gratified or not, I am about to lure him into the shower.

Said TastyMama at 5:08 PM

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