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Location: SomeTown. SomeState, United States

30-something and ready for some excitement, life is far too short to live up to everyone else's expectations.

The tales of a 30-something chickadee trying to find the spice in life without upsetting the natural order of her suroundings. Life can be tasty if you know how to eat it up.



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Half-Nekkid Thursday #1
Wet Wednesday #1
TMI Tuesday #1
Two days in a row...
Manic Monday #1
Something to do...
Well, it ain't 2010 yet...
The Least Successful Blogger Award goes to...

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08/2006 02/2008 03/2008

  Monday, March 3, 2008

Its a blaaa kind of day.

I think I have a nasty case of the Monday Bla's. The weekend was rough, spent with me battling either the onset of a cold or allergies from hell, and my mother calling to inform me of all the things I have forgotten to feel guilty about. I can always depend on her to remind me why I should never be happy[rolling eyes].

I am slowly starting to wish I had readers. I am starting to feel a tiny bit silly typing to myself, even though I have spent decades talking to myself without problem. Thing is, I am not so arrogant to assume anyone would really flock to read about my stuffy head, lack of sex, or overbearing mother. LOL I am lucky if I remember this blog for more than a day or two at a time, but maybe if I had people I felt like I was talking to I would be more eager to jump in...or maybe not.

I ended up talking to the man that used to be here over the weekend. That was loads of fun, let me tell you. I had to pretend everything was sunshine and roses, and listen to how different his life is now. It may have been wishful thinking, but I think I sensed a little regret in his tone...I am not even sure why I'd hope for regret on his part, because I am almost positive we are way too far gone to ever even really 'be friends' again. We do have a few strings tying us together indefinitely, but as far as us ever being "us" again...just don't think I have it in me, nor will I ever. There is too much past hurt. Even so, it would feel good if he would feel terrible about it, even a little.

I don't even know what to say, other than AAACCHHOOO!

Yea, I think its a cold. Damn it.

Said TastyMama at 8:38 AM

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