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Location: SomeTown. SomeState, United States

30-something and ready for some excitement, life is far too short to live up to everyone else's expectations.

The tales of a 30-something chickadee trying to find the spice in life without upsetting the natural order of her suroundings. Life can be tasty if you know how to eat it up.



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Wet Wednesday #1
TMI Tuesday #1
Two days in a row...
Manic Monday #1
Something to do...
Well, it ain't 2010 yet...
The Least Successful Blogger Award goes to...
Thanks for the laugh
Home again, home again.

Old News:
08/2006 02/2008 03/2008

  Thursday, February 28, 2008


Yesterday in my meme I was talking about my friend that I missed so much, and as soon as I shut down my computer and jumped into the TastyMobile the radio played two songs in a row, both of which had pretty strong mental association with that friend. Made me miss that closeness that much more.

So after much deliberation, I decided to join in one one of the many photo memes, just because this one will be even more fun to try to hide the real me. After peeking around, I realize my desire for total anonymity will make my pictures extremely tame compared to others but, since no one but me reads this, what does it really matter, right?

I wasn't able to sleep much, but the dreams I had when I did sleep were the kind that left me blushing, sweaty, and very tuned in to anything that touched my skin. The person in the dream with me was faceless as far as I remember, but the delicate touch seamed familiar in some way. I can still feel those invisible hands on my skin, and now even the feel of my clothing brushing against my flesh makes me tremble. I woke up to find my hair in a tangled, sweaty mess around me, my body thrashing, my hands running up and down my thighs, and my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to catch my breath. I begged my body to go back to sleep, to finished what the dream started but it was useless. I was awake and the moment was gone. Even now I can feel that longing to be back in the dream...with whoever it was, the person that I know-yet is unknown. I know when I woke up I was probably seconds away from drowning in passion...if only I could have stayed asleep for a moment more....Oh. So not fair. Even my sex dreams are leaving me wanting! LOL

So I was amusing myself by looking at blogs again, yes still too chicken shit to comment or draw attention to myself, and I happened upon this blog here(which is a cool enough blog anyway, because the girl blogging there has sass and a half) when I saw the funniest image in her sidebar so I am putting it here so I can look at it whenever I need another laugh. I swear if there was such things as animated t-shirts I would definitely be having that image pasted across my chest! LOL Ahh....TOTALLY made my day.

Daily Confession: I have taken to reading those cheesy romance novels I used to mock and call silly. I am not sure if their semi-erotic love scenes are making my sexual frustration better...or worse!

Said TastyMama at 9:28 AM

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