Tasty! The tales of a 30-something chickadee trying to find the spice in life without upsetting the natural order of her suroundings.
Life can be tasty if you know how to eat it up.
See, I am already starting to feel better about myself. I remembered that I have a blog for TWO days in a row. My mother would be so proud.
OK, as much fun as those daily memes look like they will be, doing nothing but memes sort of seams like cheating. It is one thing to use them to inspire creativity, or on days when I really can think of nothing further to say, but to only do memes...I wouldn't feel right about it, and I really have no explanation why. So, I am going to allow myself to do a meme every day that I can actually come up with another post-which I have to do first or I might be tempted to 'come back later' for my real post and then...not come back. I am not going to be a Nazi about it or anything though. Some days if my mind is a blank I'll do just a meme. I am going to try to commit to one specific daily meme per day(that daily meme site has TONS for every day) so I can kind of get into a groove.
Let's see, random news about today.
For some reason this song has been stuck in my head for days. Umm, hello high school? (Whoa, that may have just dated me!)
Please do not ask me why or how it got stuck in my head, because I haven't the foggiest idea. I downloaded it onto the iPod the other day, thinking that the ability to hear it again and again would get it off my mind but that plan backfired. I now hear it even in my sleep. I guess it could be worse. It could be like the time I walked around singing Elmo's World for a week.
Other news. After peeking at various other blogs, too freaking timid to comment and draw attention to myself and my blog, I saw many bloggers use nicknames and acronyms when trying to anonymously refer to people in their lives. So the guy that once I called 'man in my life' and is now NOT in my life needs a catchy nickname. I can think of a few, but then I might have to change the settings on my blog to say 'adult content'...so I will be thinking about that for a bit.
OK, I am running out of things to say. I'm going to go do a Tuesday meme now.
Daily Confession: I am finding myself more drawn to the sexy memes, and I wonder if it is because I am so freaking sexually deprived that I am slowly turning into some horny old lady.